Candidate view

The Candidate view provides a detailed view of the candidate. It is comprised from the following sections:

Candidate action buttons

The following actions are available:

At a glance

This section provides key information about the candidate such as:

  • Full name

  • Photo (if found in the candidate's resume)

  • Most recent job title and employer

  • Phone and email

  • Location (City & Country) and the distance in kilometers from the job's location

  • Current tags with an edit option

  • Match Score together with the respective scores on the properties that were used to calculate it, such as: Skills, job titles, industries, languages, management level and experience.

  • Total work experience in years

  • Average duration per employer

  • Current employment status (employed or not employed)

  • Managerial experience duration and level (if found)

Activity timeline

This section includes a detailed history of all the actions about the candidate in the platform from the moment the candidate was sourced.

If you receive more than one applications for different jobs from the same candidate, the Activity timeline will include the full history of the candidate from all applications.


This section includes a detailed structured profile of the candidate that is automatically derived from her resume. The profile sub sections are:

  • Summary

  • Work experience

  • Education

  • Training history

  • Licences / Certifications

  • Languages

  • Skills

  • Achievements

The work experience, education, languages and skills sub sections contain filtering buttons that allow you to instantly find candidates with the same properties such as: Work experience type, degree type, language etc.


This section includes an accurate preview of the original resume with the option of downloading it. You can download a pdf version of the resume, irrespective of its original format. In case the original resume format was different than pdf there is an option to download it in this format too.

When you download a resume the filename is always in the form of {Last name}.{First name}.{file extension} irrespective of the original filename, a handy feature that allows you to easily organize resumes in the same folder.

Last updated

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