Search all candidates

You may search for all candidates in your account by using the search candidates input box in the application's top navigation bar.

Search tips

  • By default all words must be present in the candidate's resume. For example a search for web developer will return results that contain web and developer.

  • You may search for either words using the OR operator. For example php OR java will return results that contain either php or java.

  • You may exclude specific words by using the - operator. For example shipping -sales will return results that contain the word shipping but do not include the word sales.

  • You may use complex boolean expressions like software AND (developer OR engineer) which will return results that contain the word software and also either developer or engineer.

  • You may search for a phrase by using quotation marks. For example "web developer" will return results that contain this exact phrase.

  • You may alse search for words that are near each other. For example "board member"~3 will return results that contain both words but at a maximum distance of 3 words. This is very handy because it will return documents that for example may contain board member or member of the board.

Last updated