Recommended candidates for a job
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When you create a new job you can get automatic recommendations for existing candidates that have applied to other jobs. This is done by clicking on the Recommended candidates tab at the Manage candidates for a job screen, as shown below:
The screen is split in to panes: The left pane contains the filtering options and the right pane the candidate list that contains recommended candidates for the job, as shown below:
The available filtering criteria are:
Work experience duration
Management experience duration
Employment status
Type of experience
Management level
Executive type
Employer name
Job title
School type
Degree type
Answers to application form questions
Pipeline stage
You can also sort the results by the following options:
Relevance (available only when a search phrase exists)
Newest applications first
Biggest average match score
Better evaluation
Smallest distance for job location
Oldest first
Longest work experience
Shortest work experience
Highest education level
Longest per employer experience
Shortest per employer experience
Longest management experience
Shortest management experience
Highest management level
Lowest management level
Employed first
Unemployed first
More foreign languages